Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Tiwah is a rare traditional ritual of Dayak tribe in Borneo to send the soul of dead person to heaven. In Dayak Ngaju belief, the death is a commencement of a long journey to the Lewu Tatu (Heaven). The soul of the dead stays around one's living area until the family performs this ritual. The substance of this ritual is the respect to ancestor and elder person. This is also a very long exotic ritual, rich with natural wisdom. To know more about this ceremony and other Dayak culture, please do not hesitate to send message to my email: or see and my mobile phone +628164532082


Anonymous said...

bisa bagi koleksi foto-foto masyarakat dayak dan kegiatannya ?
Tq sebelumya

Anonymous said...

"Bagi" itu maksudnya?:)

Anonymous said...

yah.... masak harus dijelasin sih.
kalo ada gambar ato foto2 unik tentang masyarakat adat dayak di upload, jadi kita bisa ikut liat githcu lho....